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Welcome to the Tools Page

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Blast Beats

TSID tool.png




IMPORTANT: Browser Support​

The Tools only work in all browsers that natively support the Web MIDI API.
the following browsers have built-in support:

  • Chrome (macOS, GNU/Linux, Android & Windows)

  • Opera (macOS, GNU/Linux, Windows)

  • Android WebView component (KitKat and above)

  • Edge (Windows)

It is also possible to use the Tools in other browsers if you install version 1.4+ of Jazz-Plugin together with the WebMIDIAPIShim polyfill. This combination provides support for the following additional browsers:

  • Firefox v51 or less (Mac, GNU/Linux & Windows)

  • Safari (macOS)

  • Internet Explorer (Windows)

For details on how to use WebMidi.js with the Jazz-Plugin (and WebMIDIAPIShim, please skip ahead to the Using WebMidi.js with the Jazz-Plugin section.

For Firefox v52+ support, you need to install two extensions made by Jazz-Soft:

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